Diamond Tender Houses South Africa. The tender will also feature an Single Stone Tender of special 108 carat stones from Angola. Wednesday 15 September 2021 Tuesday 21 September 2021.
CS Diamonds boasts with a very effective deep cleaning process also known as boiling which radically enhances the price of rough diamonds. According to the African Development Bank South Africa was the only major mining country on the continent without a royalty on mining until the acts passage. Further extractive industries in South Africa including diamonds did not pay royalties until 2010 with the adoption of the Mineral and Petroleum Resource Royalty Act.
All diamonds are insured in full while in our possession.
These tenders can consist of Request for Information RFI Request for Quotation RFQ Request for Proposal RFP Expression of Interest EOI or Request for Tender RFT listings. Regulation of diamonds and precious metals. See below for a list of Housing Development Tenders. All diamonds are insured in full while in our possession.