Diamond Bank Fixed Deposit Interest Rate. Swipe for More. As at the time of writing this Diamond banks offers at least 8 on your savings if you save at least N1m with them and 7 if you saved at least 500k with them in this type of account.

250 Minimum DepositBalance for IRA. Well Diamond bank just does with with their HIDA. The tenure is usually 30 days minimum or 180 days.
As at the time of writing this Diamond banks offers at least 8 on your savings if you save at least N1m with them and 7 if you saved at least 500k with them in this type of account.
As applicable for Domestic Term Deposits. Investment made with the bank at a fixed interest rate and fixed maturity date. A FixedTenured Deposit is a tenured investment account with a specific amount invested at an agreed interest rate and tenure. Call deposits - a minimum of seven days.