Diamond Axe Id. The item ID for Diamond in Stardew Valley is. A pickaxe is one of the most commonly used tools in the game being required to mine all ores rock rock-based blocks and metal-based blocks.
Play on FREE english server for PocketEdition PE and PC game - Bountiful Update 18. Item of the Month. An axe is a tool mainly used to hasten the breaking of wood-based blocks remove the surface layer of certain blocks and as a melee weapon.
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This item was sponsored by Kloe PartyFrog and xShaDo. Certain type of Pickaxe are required to harvest the ores. Fortune Level 32767 Diamond Pickaxe this cheats of minecraft give p diamond_pickaxeEnchantmentsidfortunelvl32767 1. When equipped it grants the Enhanced Digging mod which allows the player to break blocks faster.