Dgi Diamond Certification Reviews. The certificate is made from the best materials and comes inside a transperant plastic folder for lasting as long as possible as the diamond or jewel ID. We provide field inspection of steel and concrete as well as in-house inspection which can even be performed while you wait.
DGI is an appreciated well known gemological laboratory based in the Israeli Diamond Exchange complex in Ramat-Gan. However I am a bit put off by the price significantly down from around 21k USD apparently as well as the diamond having an EGI European Gemmological Institute certificate which i have uploaded. A Review of Each Diamond Certification Lab.
Certifications are used to represent a diamonds qualities and do not asses the value of the stone.
It had an accompanying certificate from DGI and I am very happy with the stone. All DGI online courses can be taken as initial or recurrent training. The Difference Between Diamond Certificates. Benefits of Online Training.