Cz Vs Diamond Look. Diamonds vs Cubic Zirconium. As CZ has density of 55 to 590.
Most CZs yes you can tell they look different and reflect light differently. If you are interested in Lab Grown Diamonds and Moissanite check hereCharles and Colvard - httpsamznto2IOJnaOGemstone tester - httpsamznto3aU2ewbM. As CZ has density of 55 to 590.
One carat CZ will look smaller compare to diamonds.
Lab-made diamonds are composed of carbon atoms like minednatural diamonds while cubic zirconia are simply manufactured to only look like diamonds. There are now higher end ones that look much more like a diamond. Look at the color of the light as it enters and escapes the surface of the stone. The differences between cubic zirconia vs diamond just by looking at the stones can be subtle or distinct depending on the quality of the gemstones while the chemical make-up and physical properties between these two stones are quite different.