Crape Myrtle Black Diamond Flowering Tree. 11 rows 225 Gal. Low-maintenance and drought tolerant Pure White Black Diamonds bring beauty to every garden.
Black Diamond Crape Myrtle is a pioneer dark-leaved breed in its genus of Crape Myrtles. Most crape myrtles have medium green leaves with flowers. They are showy but not like this one.
I was uncertain about adding another crape myrtle to the gardens but this tree sported dark nearly black leaves and raised my curiosity.
They make great front yard treesThe pretty ruffled blooms come in a variety of colors and offer intense contrast to the deep burgundy-purple to black foliage. They make great front yard treesThe pretty ruffled blooms come in a variety of colors and offer intense contrast to the deep burgundy-purple to black foliage. This variety has been described as having an intermediate growth habit reaching 10 ft. If you have a crepe myrtle not blooming it may be planted in a bad place that lacks sunshine.