Citi Diamond Preferred Mastercard Review. It may be a great fit if you think youll need a long time to pay down your balance but you could actually save more by getting a card with a low balance transfer fee instead. After that the variable APR will be 1474 2474 variable based on your creditworthiness.
Citi diamond preferred mastercard packing unboxing 18 months credit card black chip bank creditcards. They arent bad quality itemsJust not items I feel compelled to purchase. Learn more and apply for Citi Diamond Preferred Card.
Use 711 or other Relay Service.
There is a balance transfer fee of 3 of each. The Citi Diamond Preferred is a debt-cutting champ. It may be a great fit if you think youll need a long time to pay down your balance but you could actually save more by getting a card with a low balance transfer fee instead. This card sounds and looks like it is a luxury card howeve.