Brown Diamond Which Mineral. The Effect of Gold Colors on Diamond Color. Question 1iv Which one of the following is non-renewable source of energy.

Nitrogen is by far the most common impurity found in gem diamonds and is responsible for the yellow and brown color in diamonds. Smoky Quartz is very common and was never an historically important gemstone. Smoky Quartz is the brown smoky variety of Quartz.
Smoky quartz is a brown smoky-gray or black quartz gemstone that occurs when colorless rock crystal is exposed to natural radiation in the earth.
Smoky quartz is a brown smoky-gray or black quartz gemstone that occurs when colorless rock crystal is exposed to natural radiation in the earth. A brown diamond also receives a large part of its unique color from the light that was absorbed through structural defects in the stones crystal lattice. Which one of the following mineral is known as brown diamond. Smoky Quartz can be opaque but is almost always transparent to translucent even when in its darkest color shade.