Blood Diamond Controversy. A blood diamond is a diamond that has been mined illicitly in a war zone and the profits from the sale are used to fund a war or some other conflict. 1 The death toll caused by blood diamonds was estimated to be 3 million people.
There are good reasons for not buying such a diamond and both the UN and the US government have measures in place aimed at stopping the trade. The deliberations are likely to be contentious. Artisanal miners work in highly unsafe conditions often without training safety equipment or proper tools.
With a strong survival instinct he has made himself a key player in the business of conflict diamonds.
A million diamond diggers in Africa earn less than a dollar a day causing widespread poverty and community suffering. There are good reasons for not buying such a diamond and both the UN and the US government have measures in place aimed at stopping the trade. These stones are also known as blood diamonds because of the blood shed to obtain them. Many of the worlds diamonds are harvested using practices that exploit workers children and communities.