Black Diamond Slang. Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project. A black diamond is something beguilingly beautiful.
Black diamonds is coal. A diamond or piece of jewelry that has been previously owned and is up for sale. Diamond cracker is a locomotive fireman.
Diamond City but the group reportedly consists of senior girls in the class of 2009.
Addys Uppers Beans Black Beauties Pep Pills Speed Dex-ies Zing Study Buddies Smart Pills Cocaine Coke Blow Rock Crack Yayo Snow Sniff Sneeze White Nose Candy Bernice Toot Line Dust Flake Ecstasy or MDMA X E XTC Molly Rolls Hug Hug Drug Love Drug Lovers Speed Beans Adam Eve Clarity Moon Rocks Happy Pill. Black ice Thin translucent glaze of ice that forms on a road. A diamond or piece of jewelry that has been previously owned and is up for sale. 2 mir black diamonds coal esp.