Black Diamond Gemsona. All rise for ICE BLUE DIAMOND. A face-up view of the black diamond.
She was given to goldenleafvasiliev 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Abilities 31 Unique Abilities 4 Gemology TBA Nothing is known about Black Diamonds personality yet. Sounds perfect Wahhhh I dont wanna. Each gemstone has symbol and so does this diamond.
Each gemstone has symbol and so does this diamond.
1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Abilities 4 Gemology 5 Gemstone TBA Black Diamond is sweet a tad bit bratty slightly evil but will show mercy -Finemanderby Black Diamond. Need advice for your gemsona. Black Diamond is a Gem a synthetic Diamond created by Verdelite and an original Gemsona created by Jirachi 23. A gemsona i made for artifiziell you said you wanted to create it one day but you never had the oportnity so i made her for you.