Best Elevation To Find Diamonds. You can also find diamonds in buried treasure chests in both Java and Bedrock Minecraft editions. Based on this layer 5 has the most diamond followed by layer 6 then layer 12 so it would be most effective to mine on layer 6 exposing layers 5-8 followed by layer 10 exposing layers 9-12.
Ravines and cave systems can yield you a handful but having a fully home-grown mine is more manageable profitable and safer. To check what layer youre on check the Y value on your map. The method involves doing exactly what the name suggests start digging yourself down at an angle of 45 degrees such that you leave a staircase-pattern behind you.
The best elevation to look for diamonds is about y 10.
Y 11 will be visible below your feet and Y 14 will be visible above your head. A Minecraft diamond ore can be mined using either an iron or diamond pickaxe and will drop a single diamond when mined. So youll find the most Diamonds in 118 at levels -63 to -53. A look at the frequency in which diamonds spawn in a 116 world within a random 64 x 64 area.