Amos Hanks The Diamonds. Без рубрики amos mefford hanks the diamonds. Thomas Jeffrey Hanks 1956 9 July 1956 Concord California United States.
Somerville had one child a son named David Orlando according to his obituary. Tom Hanks actual father was a chef named Amos Hanks according to his. 47 years later they were requested to perform at Atlantic City.
27 29 Aug 2012 First The Big Picture Y Kant Tori Read Tori Amos 25 27 Aug 2012 First 1 other Lucas With The Lid Off Lucas.
Amos Mefford Hanks který strávil většinu svého života v restauraci a nikdy nebyl členem pěveckého kvartetu Top 40 zemřel v Alameda v Kalifornii v roce 1992. Tom Hanks is recalling a deep family wound. Toms father was a very good business man with a little touch of creativity that was required by the art of making a delicious looking meal. Bylo mu 67 let.