All Diamond Casino Access Points. Access Points to Expect In total you should expect 11 access points in the Diamond Casino. Diamond casino heist all access pointsGTA Online.
This can be located past the racetrack south of the. There are two access points here one below the helipad and one through the door accessible from the casino elevator Sewer tunnel. Here is a numbered display of each access point below.
There are two access points here one below the helipad and one through the door accessible from the casino elevator Sewer tunnel.
This can be located past the racetrack south of the. The GTA 5 Diamond Casino Heist Scope Out mission diamond casino heist all access points has 11 access points in total seven on the roof two at ground level and two more further away from the Casino along with various points of interest security cameras or guards that could make it difficult for you what all is there to scope out in the. Walk to the other side of the helipad for the final access point in the vicinity. Third times the charm.