Abraded Diamond. A diamond that has been mishandled in any way while being cut can be abraded or become more susceptible to becoming abraded over time if the cut was not perfectly made. Debris at the fracture interfaces prevents perfect healing of.
Likewise the luster of the diamond can degrade over time when too many scratches accumulate on its surface. The five-page notice also included photographs and descriptions of rough diamonds from the Marange fields. In the past immense or large culets were a common feature of a diamond.
Besides that day to day wearing of jewelry can result in wear and tear.
The sharp point at the bottom of the diamond can become damaged and worn away with wear. All of these terms are from GIA. Huffman Chemistry Department and Solid State Institute Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Haifa 32000 Israel Abstract In this work we report a study of CVD diamond. A portion of the original surface of a rough diamond left on a fashioned stone.